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About Us
Govt. Railway Police, Punjab is the Wing of Punjab Police, dealing with security of railway trains, railway property, passengers and their luggage traveling through railways in the jurisdiction of Punjab State. Earlier, the Head Quarter of GRP/Punjab was at Ambala but after the re-organisation of the Punjab State in the year 1966, it was shifted to Patiala. The area of jurisdiction of GRP, Punjab is 2241 Kms, railway track, which has been divided into three Sub-Divisions i.e., Patiala, Ferozepur & Jalandhar. There are 11 Police Stations, 34 Out Posts & 2 Transit Camp in all.
No. of Sub Divisions in GRP, Punjab = 3 | ||
1. Patiala | 2. Jalandhar | 3. Ferozepur |
a. No. of Govt. Railway Police Stations | 11 | |
b. No. of Out Posts in GRP | 34 | |
c. No. of running trains in Punjab | 414 (Mail/216, Passengers/198) |
d. Total Railway Track in Punjab | 2241 KMs |